April 13, 2007

The “Power” Mindset

Filed under: Inspriation — Silver Blue @ 10:17 am

Finally, today we’ll talk about the Power Mindset that Bill Phillips talks about in Body For Life.

Dividing a page into thirds again, start at the top and write: The Power Mindset. Underneath, make two columns, “Plan” and “Actual”. In this third of the paper, under “Plan” write 5 things you can do between now and this time tomorrow that will help you move forward in achieving your goals. Under “Actual”, when the day is finished write whether it was a Success or a Setback. It’s ok to acknowledge your setbacks, as long as you keep moving forward.

In the middle third of the paper, write: The Universal Law of Reciprocation. Again, make your two columns of “Plan” and “Actual.” Write down two things you can do between now and this time tomorrow that will help support and encourage others under “Plan”, and at the end of the day, mark your Success or Setback.

Finally, in the bottom third, write: Focus on Progress, Not Perfection. Write three things you excelled in that helped you move towards achieving your 12 week goals. Then, write one thing you will strive to do even better tomorrow.

It’s amazing how doing this daily will not only inspire you, it will help lift your spirits, and keep you focused on your goals and your path to achieving them!